Who We Are

Alpha Galloway was established to address the underutilisation of skilled individuals in emerging markets, and the growing talent gap globally.

We are split into 3 vertically aligned sectors that allow us to cater to our client’s requirements and help them reduce their time to hire. Those areas are Technology, Sales & Marketing, and Shared Services.

Unrestricted by industry, we have recognised that many of the skills required by modern organisations are truly transferrable. This has allowed us to be agile in ways that our competitors cannot be by tapping into the limitless potential of cross-cultural and industrial workforce.

As a Certified BBBEE Level 2 service provider, the Alpha Galloway Group is fully committed to upholding South Africa’s goal to create meaningful and sustainable transformation growth for the Industry through ownership, management, skills development, and enterprise and supplier development.

Our mission is to establish Africa as the go-to location for BPO and Recruitment Services.